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  • Writer's pictureJessica Yasmin

Lessons learnt from a life with chronic illness

Updated: Jan 14, 2020

While I don't consider myself to be an expert in Chronic Illness I can acknowledge the fact that living with multiple chronic conditions has taught me a lot. Today I share with you the 21 most prominent lessons taught to me by Chronic Illness.

Lesson #1: Trust your body (and listen to it)! If this means having to keep a symptom journal then do it. The most seemingly insignificant thing your body feels can become extremely important to a doctor.

Lesson #2: Establish a trusted network of friends and physicians (See my previous post on Safety Networks).

Lesson #3: It's okay to spend all day in your bed when your body and mind won't let you face the world.

Lesson #4: Lesson #3 becomes no longer valid when you can't remember the last time you bathed, ate a proper meal or had human interaction.

Lesson #5: It's okay to start crying sometimes for no apparent reason.

Lesson #6: Always try to follow a crying session with a good dose of laughter to balance things out.

Lesson #7: Always know your limits! Don't let anyone else, or your own stubbornness, convince you to extend beyond them.

Lesson #8: Ask for help when needed and don't see this as defeat.

Lesson #9: Know that you are not a failure and that you didn't choose this path but were dealt it because you are capable and strong.

Lesson #10: Try out natural remedies, such as diet change, and give them a solid attempt before passing judgement.

Lesson #11: Always remember to take your medication (even if you are having a "good" day)! You may realise very quickly how it was your medication in the first place allowing you that privilege.

Lesson #12: Don't take people's comments to heart. When they say things like, "It could be worse" they aren't being insensitive on purpose. Just remember it can be hard for healthy family and friends to know the right words to say.

Lesson #13: Don't ever let your recovery be hijacked because of your guilt.

Lesson #14: It's okay to grieve the life you once had.

Lesson #15: Never grieve for long though and hold on to the hope of the new life you are going to make.

Lesson #16: Choose your battles! Don't waste precious energy on things that don't serve your health or make you happy.

Lesson #17: Find suitable hobbies that engage you and keep your mind active.

Lesson #18: Never compare your worst to someone else. We only can feel what we have personality experienced and it's okay to not always remember that it could be worse.

Lesson #19: Cherish the healthy moments, but don't go over doing them (unless it's totally worth the three day recovery needed afterwards).

Lesson #20: Make as many happy moments as physically possible and record them (on paper, on the camera). I don't mind being the friend who always takes photos and has a selfie stick in my bag because it means on the hard days I have some awesome memories to look back on.

Lesson #21: Live a life with #noregrets

Love, Jessica Yasmin xo

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What lessons has life (chronic or not) taught you? Join the discussion and let me know your thoughts on this blog post at my Facebook page.

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